Yesterday, February 11th, Marked two years since we lost our beautiful Rebecca.

We spent last night watching some of her favorite movies.I tried as much as I could not to remember that day, just to remember her. This morning at church one of the worship songs we sang was a song we played at her funeral and Sean and I cried together through worship.It's good to open the cap to your little grief bottle and let some of the pain out sometimes but it sure does hurt. We always miss her but this day is and always will be hard. But God is so good to us when we give Him our burdens he gives us just what we need. My mom gave all the girls in my family a devotional, Jesus Calling, that has a devotion for every day of the year. The devotions are written as if it is Jesus speaking words of comfort and encouragement to you personally. Yesterdays Devotion was spot on what I needed to be reminded of on a day that, with out Jesus, would be an absolutely hopeless day to remember.
My Peace is like a shaft of golden light shining on you continuously. During days of bright sunshine, it may blend in with your surroundings. On darker days, My peace stands out in sharp contrast to your circumstances. See times of darkness as opportunities for My Light to shine in transcendent splendor. I am training you to practice peace that overpowers darkness.Collaborate with me in this training. Do not grow weary and lose heart.
Praise Jesus that Our sweet Becky is walking with Him in perfect peace.
Rebecca Anne Budinsky 4/25/89-02/11/10

We spent last night watching some of her favorite movies.I tried as much as I could not to remember that day, just to remember her. This morning at church one of the worship songs we sang was a song we played at her funeral and Sean and I cried together through worship.It's good to open the cap to your little grief bottle and let some of the pain out sometimes but it sure does hurt. We always miss her but this day is and always will be hard. But God is so good to us when we give Him our burdens he gives us just what we need. My mom gave all the girls in my family a devotional, Jesus Calling, that has a devotion for every day of the year. The devotions are written as if it is Jesus speaking words of comfort and encouragement to you personally. Yesterdays Devotion was spot on what I needed to be reminded of on a day that, with out Jesus, would be an absolutely hopeless day to remember.
( here)
Praise Jesus that Our sweet Becky is walking with Him in perfect peace.
Rebecca Anne Budinsky 4/25/89-02/11/10
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