Monday, March 12, 2012

The Good, The Bad and The Nasty: yard sales, dog fights,missed alarms, learning to drive, blue birds and parasites

I am way to tired to elaborate on anything but I want to share the highlights of our weekend. The good the bad and the nasty.
1. Saturday AM: Successful yard sale, made $600. Not Bad for a bunch a stuff I wasn't using any way.
We have had a yard sale pretty much every year since we have been married. The first year we made $1200! It was like a bachelor closeout sale. Canoes, tires, rims, chipper shredders, speakers, etc. But I sold a lot of purses, clothes and accessories too. 

2. Saturday Afternoon: Some one stole our dog. We were able to get him back after an hour of confrontation and finally threatening to call police etc. It's a weird long story. The good news is he is back home now.
3.Sunday AM: Woke up to someone ringing doorbell at 7am because they thought my YARD sale was on sunday...did you see anything in my yard
4.went back to sleep and woke up 5 minutes before church started....made it in the doors just as the sermon was starting and even picked up Sean's sister on the way. Impressive.
5. I taught myself to drive a stick shift after a two minute phone lesson from hubs. I made it from our house to the shop, about 4 miles away, and back, by myself . Very Impressive. 
6. We made cute little  blue bird houses together. We made them out of things lying around the shop. The walls are  cedar fence boards and the roofs are cedar shakes leftover from the shed garden closet Sean built for his mom. I even did the power drilling. Is anyone impressed yet? 

7. I know your just dying to get to the nasty part. I think I have a parasite. Yep, pretty sure I brought some friends back with me from the cruise. Bet your weren't expecting that. When I say nasty, I deliver. I could be wrong and my symptoms aren't the typical symptoms you hear of but they are all symptoms of parasitic infections. We'll see, I'm going in for a test tomorrow but it will take a while to get results back.

So there is our weekend. Good, bad and pretty nasty, wouldn't you say?

1 comment:

  1. I love love love this post, I could hear you telling it the entire time I was reading. I have got to know more about the dog?!? I'd kill someone
