Last night I came home to find Sean's keys hanging in the door. That was the second time this month I have made such a discovery. Last time I was on my way out the door for work and we tore the house apart for ten minutes looking for my keys before frantically heading out the door to check the car and there they were in the keyhole where they had been hanging all night. Not the best place to store the keys, eh?
I'm not sure if this is as bad as my favorite place to leave the keys; inside a locked car.I recently Locked them inside my car twice in one week. Thank goodness for roadside assistance.
Back to the key dilemna.
So, This morning as I am trying to feed the dog,/pack my lunch/ turn all the lights off/ unplug my straightener/put on my coat and text my
tea date that I was running late all in one fell swoop, I get a call from from the Mr.
I'm at the shop and I left my keys at home and my truck is broken, I can't make it back to the house, can you bring me the keys?
Which Keys? The keys that were hanging in the door last night??
I put them on the key hook
: On my way!
Thank goodness for roadside assistance, right?
Losing things is a recurring event in our household [insert ADHD symptom here:
I'm thinking we need a better place to hang the keys. What do you think?
We designated this hall tree to hang our key on
and sometimes do pretty good with making it from the front door, through the dining room, into the kitchen, head towards the laundry room....what was I doing?
The problem is this is across from the garage door and we typically Enter and Exit through the front door.
There are too many "distractions" on that 25ft hike from front door to laundry room (opening the door is apparently one of them given the a fore mentioned key placements)
and the hall tree is too big for our front entry way.
So I did my research, and by research I mean I got on pinterest and found this little piece of inspiration for the wall near the front door from this this blog.

I challenged myself to make this an under $20 project.So I set a date with Hobby Lobby! Hobby Lobby runs a 50% off sale cycle. Every week about half the store is 50% off and the next week about the other half is on sale. For example, if open back frames are on sale this week, they won't be next week but the ready made frames will be. You have to catch what you need (yes, sometimes we actually need things from hobby lobby)on the right week. I hate having to wait until the next monday to catch my item on 50% when I'm on A big craft binge but it's the right thing to do. When I encounter a full price, destroy my creative urges week on a desired item I usally have to stand there with the item in hand and convince myself it's the right will be HALF PRICE in three days, Put the picture frame, walk away....don't look back....
Back to the key thing, I got two antique bronze hooks and a frame. I also found these old bronze keys that I just couldn't resist. I'm thinking of doing something like this.
Now that I have it at home I think I am going to add a third hook. Also, I really liked the
"EST. 2008" so I'm going to try to work that in.
What to think so far? Good? BAD? eh?